As you use the strategies from these modules to find and use available sources, you may need to go through a Revision process to fine-tune your search to get the best information or additional perspectives. This includes moving beyond basic keyword searches and using multi-discipline databases. Often when you’re researching one aspect of a topic, you will find other important resources in related areas. Searching for sources is not a one-time affair, it is a process that requires revision and strategic searching.
First, read the learning outcomes below. When you are ready, click the "NEXT" button on the bottom to begin the module. In previous modules, you learned how to use keyword searches and Boolean Operators. In this module you will learn advanced searching strategies, including grouping, truncation and wildcards, subject headings, controlled vocabularies, and how to use the advanced search in the databases.
A. Advanced Searching
B. Choosing the Right Database
C. Google vs. Google Scholar vs. Library Database
D. Test Yourself
In this module, you will: